About Me

Currently working remotely at a small web performance startup. I wear many hats here! Previously worked in finance and healthcare (I even passed the Certified Equity Professional exam from the Leavey School of Business and am passionate about personal finance).

Obtained a B.S. in Physics in three years from the University of Arizona. If you're looking for an icebreaker, ask me about particle physics!

I enjoy writing code to automate daily tasks and developing new skills to work more efficiently. Web scraping using a combination of the Python bindings for Selenium along with plain old JavaScript is an excellent way to accomplish this. For large data sets, I often prefer building my own queries in SQL.

Spent two years working in the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Laboratory to design and fabricate an improved particle detector. Once, I accidentally created liquid oxygen (also known as rocket fuel) in the lab and a section of the equipment exploded. (This is exactly why I am not a chemist!)

Completely in love with outdoor activities. Kayaking, rock climbing, ultimate frisbee, bicycling, distance running, camping, whitewater rafting, and hiking are a few of my favourite hobbies. When the weather does not accommodate outdoor adventures, I may also play a whole host of board games and video games, as well as weekly D&D.

Grew up in Virginia and moved to Arizona for college, despite not knowing a single person West of the Mississippi River. These kinds of uncomfortable experiences and life changes were the key to my personal growth and development, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I have visited 33 states in the U.S., and absolutely love cross-country road trips.

If you're interested in my work, you can scan through my latest blog posts or contact me directly with the word "Resume" in the subject line for a (possibly outdated) copy of my resume. Working with startups means that sometimes my skills develop faster than I can update my resume!

Have questions? Simply fill out this short contact form or email me directly.